Thursday, 25 October 2012


Hey guys, ever been to Papa Joes or Papa Browns even Blue Chicago and had the Arizona chicken?  I just love the sauce that comes with it and have been experimenting somewhat and think i just about mastered it.  I know its great to go out for dinner but if your stuck for tasty ideas why not try it and it spices up any dinner rather than just having something like gravy which our taste-buds are ever so accustomed to.  Its a red pepper , tomato and basil creamy sauce that is really simple to make and goes really well with chicken.  you can also make it healthy if you are cutting back which is fabulous and it still tastes great.

Recipe: serves 4

2 Red peppers, thickly sliced
2 tomatoes halved
1/2 onion finely chopped
Olive oil/ fry light
Chicken stock cube
salt and pepper
1/2 glass white wine/ you can use half wine half water
50ml whipping cream/ natural yogurt
handful of fresh basil, finely chopped

Method:  Place the peppers, tomatoes and onion in a roasting tray, drizzle with oil or fry light (if you are choosing the healthier option), season and place tray in oven.  Roast at 180c for 15mins or until soft.

Place the peppers, tomatoes and onion in a pot and add the stockcube and wine and reduce by half.  add cream or yogurt and bring to the boil.

Blend the mix with a stick blender until smooth, pass through a sieve and check seasoning.  Add basil at the end to retain the flavour and voila!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Who likes chocolate cake?

Hey everyone,  hope you have not missed me too much these passed weeks!  I have been super busy including attending cooking classes.  That means lots of new and exciting recipes to go into the book of knowledge.  This is just one of the recipes so far that i wish to share as everyone needs chocolate in their lives and its just that little bit different to the usual chocolate cake you can get.  If you like chocolate you will love this!

 Flourless chocolate cake?  Yes I know, How? Same question I had too but this recipe totally works and is just lush! You can decorate it any way you like but the raspberries and mint give it that little professional look and a great taste. Give it a try and you will be making this cake more than once! Yum!