Wondering how cupcakes can be ironic? Well maybe raising money for Diabetes UK by selling cupcakes might make them a little somewhat derisive. However, its one way to ensure you will raise funds for any charity!
As my boyfriend has type 1 diabetes, we have been trying to raise money for Diabetes UK for a while as his Dad is attempting the Great Wall of China Trek next year and needs to raise over £3000, we are just about half way there. It will help to research ways recognising the signs of type 1 diabetes before diagnosis as you need to have a near fatal event to be diagniosed at times.
Mark's parents held a street BBQ last week with a great attendance and raising over £500 pounds, and the cupcakes helped a little along the way. Making over 100 cupcakes was my first major challenge in itself plus trying to sell them which was actually the easy part as everyone loves them at the minute! I made Strawberry, chocolate, white chocolate and owl face cupcakes, they were a real hit! Pity Mark couldnt have many but at least he couldnt eat all the profits, :).
If you are interested in donating to this worthy cause, you can log on to www.justgiving.com/Paul- Cinnamond or you can text the letters HOXA84 £5 to 70070 or replace the 5 with whichever amount you wish to donate.
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