Saturday, 30 June 2012

A Cocktail Revolution!

We all love a little tipple once in a while and cocktails are on most menus, so wouldn't it be great if you knew how to make them and then you could be having your own little cocktail soiree!  Whilst on a hen party in Liverpool last weekend for the lovely Louise, the bridesmaid had organised a n afternoon of cocktail making classes in the Revolution Bar in Cavern Quarter.  It was great fun and you get to make and drink all the cocktails the barman and you yourself make.  Bloody brilliant!  The cosmopolitan is one of the most famous cocktails in the world.. its one of my favourites and one I am quite glad to relive and talk you through.

You will need a martini glass, a tumbler, cocktail shaker and a lighter.  The ingredients are citrus vodka, Cointreau, crushed ice, lime slices, soda water and orange peel.  Start by filling your martini glass with crushed for no other reason than to keep it cold.  Then add ice into the tumbler, add a shot and a half of citrus vodka then a half shot of Cointreau.  Squeeze three lime slices over it and put the squeezed limes in over the top.  Fill glass three quarters of the way with soda water.  Put shaker on top of glass and make sure its a tight fit by banging it with your fist.  Give it a good shake then empty the ice out of the martini glass and pour your mixture into the glass without getting the ice or the limes into it.  Next, a wee trick which you do not have to do but its fun.  Adding your orange peel as a garnish but to get the orange oil out of the peel just to add that extra touch of flavour.  Cut a small piece of orange peel and bend it forward peel side first between your thumb and your forefinger.  Tilt it slightly then hold the flame over the peel and the oil should run out then it will spark and let the orange fall into the glass..give it a go,  but don't burn your house down..:)

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