Hey guys, ever been to Papa Joes or Papa Browns even Blue Chicago and had the Arizona chicken? I just love the sauce that comes with it and have been experimenting somewhat and think i just about mastered it. I know its great to go out for dinner but if your stuck for tasty ideas why not try it and it spices up any dinner rather than just having something like gravy which our taste-buds are ever so accustomed to. Its a red pepper , tomato and basil creamy sauce that is really simple to make and goes really well with chicken. you can also make it healthy if you are cutting back which is fabulous and it still tastes great.
Recipe: serves 4
2 Red peppers, thickly sliced
2 tomatoes halved
1/2 onion finely chopped
Olive oil/ fry light
Chicken stock cube
salt and pepper
1/2 glass white wine/ you can use half wine half water
50ml whipping cream/ natural yogurt
handful of fresh basil, finely chopped
Method: Place the peppers, tomatoes and onion in a roasting tray, drizzle with oil or fry light (if you are choosing the healthier option), season and place tray in oven. Roast at 180c for 15mins or until soft.
Place the peppers, tomatoes and onion in a pot and add the stockcube and wine and reduce by half. add cream or yogurt and bring to the boil.
Blend the mix with a stick blender until smooth, pass through a sieve and check seasoning. Add basil at the end to retain the flavour and voila!
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Who likes chocolate cake?

Flourless chocolate cake? Yes I know, How? Same question I had too but this recipe totally works and is just lush! You can decorate it any way you like but the raspberries and mint give it that little professional look and a great taste. Give it a try and you will be making this cake more than once! Yum!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Ironic Cupcakes
Wondering how cupcakes can be ironic? Well maybe raising money for Diabetes UK by selling cupcakes might make them a little somewhat derisive. However, its one way to ensure you will raise funds for any charity!
As my boyfriend has type 1 diabetes, we have been trying to raise money for Diabetes UK for a while as his Dad is attempting the Great Wall of China Trek next year and needs to raise over £3000, we are just about half way there. It will help to research ways recognising the signs of type 1 diabetes before diagnosis as you need to have a near fatal event to be diagniosed at times.
Mark's parents held a street BBQ last week with a great attendance and raising over £500 pounds, and the cupcakes helped a little along the way. Making over 100 cupcakes was my first major challenge in itself plus trying to sell them which was actually the easy part as everyone loves them at the minute! I made Strawberry, chocolate, white chocolate and owl face cupcakes, they were a real hit! Pity Mark couldnt have many but at least he couldnt eat all the profits, :).
If you are interested in donating to this worthy cause, you can log on to www.justgiving.com/Paul- Cinnamond or you can text the letters HOXA84 £5 to 70070 or replace the 5 with whichever amount you wish to donate.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Traditional Soda bread
Hey foodies, soda bread is a northern Ireland favourite, it's actually one of the only places you can get it. I never knew how easy it was until a couple of weeks ago. What a handy recipe if you live away from home too and fancy a bit of the good stuff! It's basically 2 cups of soda bread flour which you can buy in most shops nowadays, 1 cup of buttermilk. Bind the two together until to get a smooth dough. Roll out onto a floured surface about half an inch thick. Cut into triangles like a pizza. Then flour a griddle or frying pan and cook each slice on either side until it sounds hollow. The flour will turn a golden brown as well, Voila!
Diane xx
Diane xx
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Rhubarb Seasoning!
Hey guys, hope everyone is well! Time for some indulgence. As it is the season for rhubarb, I looked up a few recipes that include rhubarb in baking. Interestingly found that it goes really well with cinnamon or ginger. After browsing through a lot of recipes making my tummy rumble and mouth water, I decided upon rhubarb and cinnamon muffins. It was so good to try something other than the usual blueberry or chocolate muffin. They are fairly simple to make and don't cost much as long as the rhubarb is in season. If you love experimenting why don't you try different flavours like apple and cinnamon, ginger and rhubarb or savoury muffins with rosemary and raisin Yum! Enjoy your experimenting foodies.
Diane xx
Diane xx
Friday, 20 July 2012
Tea cup cosy!
It definitely keeps your hot drink that little bit warmer and you can hold your cup or mug around the sides without burning the hands of yourself or someone else! A definite must have if you enjoy tea, crochet or anything vintage really.
If you would like to indulge in one of these or would like to enquire about any item please contact Elizabeth McKinty via Facebook or email eliazabethmckinty@live.co.uk
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Just a quickie today guys..if you fancy some brunch pancakes are the way to go..delish! As one of Jamie Oliver's recipes, these American pancakes are great! Instead of being thin and silky like French crêpes, they are wonderfully fluffy and thick and can be made to perfection straight away. Simple, simple, simple!
3 large eggs
115g/4oz plain flour
1 heaped teaspoon baking powder
140ml/5fl oz butter milk (or cows milk, butter is better :)
First separate the eggs, putting the whites into one bowl and the yolks into another. Add the flour, baking powder and milk to the yolks and mix to a smooth thick batter. Whisk the whites with the salt until they form stiff peaks. Fold into the batter – it is now ready to use.
Heat a good non-stick pan on a medium heat. Pour some of your batter into the pan and fry for a couple of minutes until it starts to look golden and firm. Flip the pancake over. Continue frying until both sides are golden.
You can make these pancakes large or small, to your liking. They are very versatile and you can flavour them how you like as well. Either Syrup, honey, creme fraiche, sugar and lemon, the list is endless, Enjoy!
Diane xx
Saturday, 30 June 2012
A Cocktail Revolution!
You will need a martini glass, a tumbler, cocktail shaker and a lighter. The ingredients are citrus vodka, Cointreau, crushed ice, lime slices, soda water and orange peel. Start by filling your martini glass with crushed for no other reason than to keep it cold. Then add ice into the tumbler, add a shot and a half of citrus vodka then a half shot of Cointreau. Squeeze three lime slices over it and put the squeezed limes in over the top. Fill glass three quarters of the way with soda water. Put shaker on top of glass and make sure its a tight fit by banging it with your fist. Give it a good shake then empty the ice out of the martini glass and pour your mixture into the glass without getting the ice or the limes into it. Next, a wee trick which you do not have to do but its fun. Adding your orange peel as a garnish but to get the orange oil out of the peel just to add that extra touch of flavour. Cut a small piece of orange peel and bend it forward peel side first between your thumb and your forefinger. Tilt it slightly then hold the flame over the peel and the oil should run out then it will spark and let the orange fall into the glass..give it a go, but don't burn your house down..:)
Monday, 11 June 2012
Fifty Two Bangor
Erma Bombeck
Being voted the best bistro in Bangor the last two years..this restaurant certainly lives up to its name in food and service. We enjoyed a lovely three courses there last week, well two and a half as we shared a dessert. This restaurant boasts good honest food with style and elegance. It can be pricey but there is a great meal deal where you can have two courses for £16.95 or three for £19.95. Well worth it as far as i am concerned. To start the tomato and basil soup was served super hot, which is sooo good. There is nothing worse than luke warm soup. I thought the bread served with the soup was a little bit crumbly but it tasted very nice and went well with soup. The grilled goats cheese, fig puree, hazelnuts and rocket was presented in a way that would even impress the toughest chefs around. To be honest all the starters were food I would eat so it was difficult to choose but goats cheese is definitely one of the favourites!
I have a great love for pork for some reason, but i pick almost every time i go to a restaurant, maybe because i hardly ever buy it and its like a treat to me. Glazed ham hock with honey soused beetroot, fondant potato and fennel and tomato confit really hit the spot, it was mostly meat without hardly any fat in sight. I dont start to admit i know what soused means so i looked it up. The first definition is soaked or drenched in liquid and the second means very drunk, i don't think beetroot can get drunk so i will go with the first one. I would like be highly amused if a menu said drunk beetroot though..ha! The lamb shank was another great choice, done to perfection as it fell away from the bone. The couscous was fruity with a hint of mint so it suited the lamb down to a tee. The portions are generous but not too much too much that you get that bursting feeling, which helps to squeeze in that something sweet..yum!
There are different desserts everyday which the waiter/waitress reads out to you which i like for some reason instead of looking at the menu. You can choose easier, rather than sitting salivating over the menu. If there is anyone that does not like creme brulee I will be surprised, it is the best ever! Crunchy on top and creamy underneath, delish!! Served with a small piece of shortbread type biscuit, which was different but excellent to dip into the creme. All in all this stylish yet laidback restaurant gets 10 out of 10.
Fifty Two Bangor is definitely somewhere to appreciate..will be going back soon!
Friday, 8 June 2012
A Little Indulgence
Hey guys, sorry its been a while, I have been away in Spain so that meant drinking lots of red wine, Sangria and eating plenty of paella and lovely fish! As always before you go on holiday you are trying to use up fresh food from the fridge etc. Therefore a wee mix match of foods is always created but can be turned into something very delicious! if you have a few prawns in the fridge no need to go out and buy a sauce to go with and i assume everyone keeps mayonnaise and tomato ketchup in their fridge. such a simple yet scrummy recipe! Goats cheese is so yummy, its on every menu nowadays but its a little cheaper to buy and warm it in breadcrumbs yourself, which you can make from bread that you my want to use up. Caramelized onions are a brilliant accompaniment to goats cheese or in fact any warmed soft cheese.
If you like lemons and honey then you will love this dessert. Lemon Yogurt Icebox Tart is very sweet for those of you who enjoy a bit of sugar. It was easy enough to make although i did attempt cream cheese crust for the first time, which was successful but a few more tries will make it perfect i hope. This recipe is not for first timers but its not the most difficult either, so if you are willing to give it a try..good on you :) I used strawberries as a garnish but you can use any fruits on top.
Just typing this had made me so hungry, off to munch, happy cooking, Diane xx
Friday, 18 May 2012
What Woks for you?
Hey everyone, I have been experimenting with some WOK recipes to make them healthy yet tasty. A great start is using the low calorie spray oil rather than using oil or solid fats to cook with. It cuts out about 100 or more calories by using the spray oil which is great news for everyone watching their weight or just wanting to have a healthy lifestyle! Plus it really doesn't cut out flavour at all but there are ways to add flavour without adding on the calories, such as using different herbs and spices, even using fresh stock can add a whole heap of flavour to any meal. Wok cooking is great because you can just add all the ingredients for the whole meal into the wok and they all soak up the flavours and cuts down on washing up..yay! I have put a few ideas into my recipes section that are ready to be used at your disposal..happy wokking..:)
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Palava...i mean Pavlova!
Hey foodies, sorry its been a while but work and socializing has got in the way of my blogging but l getting out and about gives me lots of inspirations and good food ideas. I made a couple of pavlovas last week for the BBQ i was attending. I know how boring you may think but its a great love of many people in this country, even though its supposes to have originated in New Zealand, they just pronounce it great even if then didn't invent it..:) I also experimented a little with the bases and the toppings which just give it that edge. Firstly i made a classic pavlova base using the simple ingredients of egg whites and caster sugar. The topping of clementines and pureed raspberry. Very simple but so tasty and a little different to the usually toppings.
The hazelnut meringue I made for the next pavlova was a big hit, it was demolished in no time. I used strawberries and passion fruit as a topping, it was a serious explosion of flavours. My mouth is starting to water just thinking about it..mmm yum! Adding nuts or flavouring to the meringue can make it so much more interesting and yumm! So get experimenting foodies and enjoy some flavour!!
I have been asked to get some Wok recipes up on here by a nice wee man that loves bicycles ( ;) Eddie), so that is my mission over the next week to get wokking, lots of thai food me thinks but going to find ways to make it super healthy!! Wish me luck..:)
Diane xx
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Quiche Challenge
Last week i decided to try something I had not made before, there are so many recipes out there for everything..its just finding the right one. I always think if you like food and know what good food tastes like then you will have no problem finding or putting together a recipe for anything. I have found blogs are the best sites to find decent recipes on as the person putting them on is most likely someone like you or me. Enjoys cooking or baking and with all different levels of experience from professional to amateur. Therefore you can browse through a lot of recipes and know which ones sound right for you. This week's "Quiche Challenge" recipe comes from a blog that I love love love. Its gourmetlovers.co.uk, their expertise lies in brunching and with a list as long as your arm with gourmet foods and great recipes to try.
Bacon, Spinach and Duck Egg Quiche was exquisite, it was fiddly to make I must admit but now that I have done it and that it tasted very good, I would be happy to make it again and the sooner the better yum yum! I added some chicken breast to my dish by just cooking a breast through and then just adding it to the recipe with the bacon and spinach. There are lots of different ingredients you can add to quiche including all types of tomatoes, mushrooms and courgette. Also using different types of cheeses can add lots of different strengths of flavour. So there's lots of experimenting and eating to do..yay!
Heading to a bbq this weekend so next weeks blog could be interesting..:)
Heading to a bbq this weekend so next weeks blog could be interesting..:)
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Burgers, Chips and Dips
Hey everyone, what else are the weekends for but quick and easy foods with a little indulgence. Friday night was another successful dinner party involving mostly the male gender so was time to fill the bellies..:)
After eights anyone? These chocolate dipped peppermint creams are the perfect way to end a meal and are a cheaper version of after eights and you get far more from a batch than you would in a box of chocolate mints. Very easy although messy with clouds of icing sugar in your kitchen these are the simple wee melt in the mouth sweets perfect with a cup of tea or coffee.
Enjoy everyone..diane xo
I made a starter that i found in an Indian cooking book i have had for ages but never really used..just read over and over saying i am going to cook out of this some night and well i did. Aloo Ki Tikki aka spicy potato patties were very delicious, unfortunately i just didn't make enough of them. The recipe said made 12 patties but really only got 6 out of it..oops. I will know for the next time. That is what cooking is all about trial and error, it is in my book anyway. The Aloo ki tikki is best serve with chutneys or sweet, sour or spicy sauces. I went for two popular ones known as mango chutney and Raita, totally made from scratch. Very thankful for the invention of the food processor that day. These allow your mouth to cool from the very spicy potato cakes but you can make them with chilies if you like spice.
The next course definitely filled everyone up, yummy pork and chilli burgers with avocado salsa, chunky chips and Tuscan salad. Its just great food that everyone likes but also healthy for those who are looking for tasty great food without adding on the pounds! Everything here is easy to make and quick so hand for a friday night dinner at the end of that long working week. Salad can get so boring but with this great tasty Jamie Oliver inspired dish of Tuscan salad you'll not be able to get enough. The avocado salsa can be bland to some people but its a great cooler when theres other spices going on.
After eights anyone? These chocolate dipped peppermint creams are the perfect way to end a meal and are a cheaper version of after eights and you get far more from a batch than you would in a box of chocolate mints. Very easy although messy with clouds of icing sugar in your kitchen these are the simple wee melt in the mouth sweets perfect with a cup of tea or coffee.
Enjoy everyone..diane xo
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Winter Warmers
Hey guys..this week I have made some scrumptious comfort food as this weather does not seem to know what it is doing. It is has got so cold from being lovely, warm and sunny the past couple of weeks. Therefore, we all really need something to warm you inside out..:)
My spicy vegetable and lentil soup goes down a treat on a windy, bitter cold day. It a combination of lots of winter vegetables such as butter-nut squash and carrots. The lentils just make it that bit thicker and more filling so it works out as a very healthy dish too. You can make it as mild or spicy as you like too but the spicier the better in my book..you can find how to make this winter warmer in my Recipes section.
My spicy vegetable and lentil soup goes down a treat on a windy, bitter cold day. It a combination of lots of winter vegetables such as butter-nut squash and carrots. The lentils just make it that bit thicker and more filling so it works out as a very healthy dish too. You can make it as mild or spicy as you like too but the spicier the better in my book..you can find how to make this winter warmer in my Recipes section.
Spicy vegetable and lentil soup
Bread has always been a great accompaniment for soup, however it can get a wee bit boring or some people do not like to include much bread in their diet. But if you can have home-baked bread knowing exactly what is going into it then its a winner all round. This is a moderately easy bread to make..no need for any fancy gadgets, just a bit of time and love. This carrot and poppy seed bread is a great addition to any soup dish or just on its own with a bit of butter makes it total comfort on them cold blustery days. So, go on and give it a go if you fancy something that will make you feel warm inside but also keeps the scales down..:)
Carrot and Poppy Seed Bread
Friday, 30 March 2012
Pottery Education
Today I experienced the lovely little hotspot in Millise called Eden Pottery, it's a quaint studio, shop and cafe situated just outside Carrowdore. It sells all hand-made pottery for use in the kitchen mostly among other things. Most importantly (for me anyway) the food was homely and delicious. From the tea in strawberry covered teapots to milk in the hen milk jug and plates with motorcycles, all the food and drinks were served on or in the amazing pottery made in the studio there. You are first presented with lush desserts, you know what they say "life is too short, have you dessert first..:)" You will find everything from chocolate cake to carrot cake..yum! Then they have a spread of different quiches and salads. I enjoyed a well proportioned slice of chicken, cranberry and stuffing quiche with home-made coleslaw, baby potato salad and an apple, grape and mixed lettuce salad drizzled in white french salad dressing. Then you are faced with the brilliant scones and tray-bakes at the counter. They are gorgeous, the scones were the reason we chose to go there in the first place. Actual words.."the scones there are nicer". So, if you are looking for somewhere different to do coffee or lunch and look or buy some lovely kitchen ware, head on down to Eden Pottery. 10 points!
Diane xo
Hey everyone..sometimes we need the simple things in life when it comes to cooking. I was chatting the other day to someone who was just looking an easy recipe for fairy cakes and I thought sometimes we need to go back to basics, which is great! These fairy cakes take less than 30 minutes!. Also you can decorate them any way you like, I was totally put in the mood for them after that conversation. I decorated mine with a drizzle of icing and nutmeg...yummy! Have a go, perfect for unexpected guests or just a wee treat..:)
Diane xo
Diane xo
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Mother's Day Mash-up
Mother's Day Mash-up
Hello everyone..mother's day, Sunday 18th March was my first little dinner party which has been a real hit. Even though it was all family members and my boyfriend..i am sure they would never be bias and also tell the truth. I have called it a mash-up as each course was a little piece from around the world. Also today was a lovely day, which we all know is rare in Northern Ireland. Therefore, the wine was flowing. If i knew it was going to be as nice i would have made my homemade lemonade but that is for another day. Anyway just for starters ;) is a dish i have had many times when out in restaurants but never attempted myself, Thai style crab cakes, served with Italian salad, drizzle of olive oil and very very spicy sesame dipping sauce, not for the faint hearted.
This is a melt in your mouth mild dish with a spicy, zingy side which my mum went in for the kill and poured her pot of sauce all over her crab cakes and loved it where my Dad put the tiniest bit on each mouthful and really enjoyed it. Today really showed me how different people have very different taste buds or whether my mum has any at all. It really is about getting all that flavour in there though and its totally worth experimenting as Thai has so many yummy spicy and refreshing ingredients such as chilli, lime, coriander and curry spices.
Inspiration has come from as far as Asia and Australia but also very close to home right in front of me on the telly. As most of us know you just need to switch on the box and you have got shows like Come dine with me and Masterchef. For those of you who are new to cooking, this next recipe is so simple but yet so scrummy. This was made on Come dine with me and I have not been able to get it out of my head. Was a major success with everyone today. Lemon and chocolate posset garnished with strawberry and mint..mmmm!
One of my favorite chefs at the minute is Raymond Blanc, so i added a recipe from his recent tour around France, the Rum Babas, which are little muffin type cakes but a lot lighter soaked in a rum syrup served with creme fraiche and raspberry conserve..totally delicious!
All the recipes or links will be added...happy mothers day to all the mumsy's out there and i hope you all got a little piece of gourmet today, until next time....
bye xo
Hello everyone..mother's day, Sunday 18th March was my first little dinner party which has been a real hit. Even though it was all family members and my boyfriend..i am sure they would never be bias and also tell the truth. I have called it a mash-up as each course was a little piece from around the world. Also today was a lovely day, which we all know is rare in Northern Ireland. Therefore, the wine was flowing. If i knew it was going to be as nice i would have made my homemade lemonade but that is for another day. Anyway just for starters ;) is a dish i have had many times when out in restaurants but never attempted myself, Thai style crab cakes, served with Italian salad, drizzle of olive oil and very very spicy sesame dipping sauce, not for the faint hearted.
This is a melt in your mouth mild dish with a spicy, zingy side which my mum went in for the kill and poured her pot of sauce all over her crab cakes and loved it where my Dad put the tiniest bit on each mouthful and really enjoyed it. Today really showed me how different people have very different taste buds or whether my mum has any at all. It really is about getting all that flavour in there though and its totally worth experimenting as Thai has so many yummy spicy and refreshing ingredients such as chilli, lime, coriander and curry spices.
Inspiration has come from as far as Asia and Australia but also very close to home right in front of me on the telly. As most of us know you just need to switch on the box and you have got shows like Come dine with me and Masterchef. For those of you who are new to cooking, this next recipe is so simple but yet so scrummy. This was made on Come dine with me and I have not been able to get it out of my head. Was a major success with everyone today. Lemon and chocolate posset garnished with strawberry and mint..mmmm!
One of my favorite chefs at the minute is Raymond Blanc, so i added a recipe from his recent tour around France, the Rum Babas, which are little muffin type cakes but a lot lighter soaked in a rum syrup served with creme fraiche and raspberry conserve..totally delicious!
All the recipes or links will be added...happy mothers day to all the mumsy's out there and i hope you all got a little piece of gourmet today, until next time....
bye xo
Thursday, 8 March 2012
First post..:)
Hey all..my first proper food post will be sometime over the next week. I will try and post at least once a week..here goes..:) its nearly the weekend so time to chill with yummy cocktails, these are two from Apartment bar, Belfast, check out their drinks list at: http://www.apartmentbelfast.com/drinks.aspx
bye xo
bye xo
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